Thứ Sáu, 4 tháng 1, 2013

The Economic Effect of Solar Energy

When examining the environmental effect of solar energy, it's impossible not to also take into consideration the economic effect of solar energy, which is exactly what we'll do in this article.
Let's Get The Facts Straight
Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions and misinformation about solar energy and the cost associated with purchasing a solar electric system. That's not to say this is a minor undertaking or investment because it's not - far from it; purchasing a photovoltaic (PV) system could be one of the more major purchases you make.
But, you may want to look at this not so much as a "purchase" but more as an "investment", an investment that not only increases your personal worth but is also an investment in the future, your own and that of the planet. If you decide to purchase a PV system, it will add to the value of your home and increase its re-sale value should you decide to sell at some point in the future.
While an average size PV system costs around $20-30,000 on today's market, the initial cost of the system can be offset in several ways:
- reduce your electrical usage to the bare minimum (set your thermostat a couple of degrees lower in winter, and a couple higher in summer; swap incandescent light bulbs for CFLs (compact fluorescent lightbulbs); unplug TVs, DVD players and other causes of phantom loads, which consume electricity even when turned off, etc.)
- take advantage of local, State and Federal tax rebates and incentives. These can amount to as much as 30 percent of the cost of a new system
- solar panels are modular, so you can always start off with a smaller system that can meet some of your electrical needs, if not all. You can always add more panels as your budget and circumstances dictate
If you live on the grid, a solar electric system will help you reduce your electricity bill immediately, and, on average, a system will pay for itself within 7-10 years in savings on your electricity bill (and that's not even taking into account future increases in electricity costs, so that's actually a very conservative estimate).
When you take into account the fact that solar panels have a lifespan of up to 25 years, that could mean up to 18 years of free electricity. Just imagine receiving electricity bills showing zero dollars and zero cents and what you might do with all that extra money that's now finding its way into your wallet as opposed to the local utility's ever-expanding coffers.
Solar Energy Has A Positive Effect
Not only can a solar energy system have a positive effect on your household or business economy, it also effects the environment in a positive manner.
There are no moving parts involved (unless a tracking system's included, but even that is powered by the sun!), and no emissions, as solar panels use the sun's rays to produce electricity via semi-conductors.
Compare that to traditional (read local utility) methods of producing electricity which rely almost entirely on fossil fuels, creating pollution and damaging the environment. There's only a finite supply of fossil fuels, whereas sunlight is plentiful, renewable and showing no signs of drying up any time soon.
So, not only can solar energy have a positive effect on not only household economies but also global economies, but it also positively effects the environment, leaving it intact for future generations to enjoy.
If you're ready to get involved in the Green Revolution, and want more information and/or help getting started, including a FREE report, Ray Boreham invites you to click through to find out more about the economic effect of solar energy. You'll find a wealth of information and tips on solar and renewable energy at

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