Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 1, 2013

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Panels

Technology has afforded us many ways to maximize our resources and save on energy. With different ways and processes to harness energy, we now have the option to use renewable or sustainable energy. The most common and easiest kind of renewable power to harness and use is solar energy.
How Does It Work
The sun is one of the great sources of energy. It produces packets of energy called, "photons" that is delivered through sunlight and heat. When absorbed by solar panels, photons will be converted to electrons, which, then, flow to create electricity to power up a home or equipment like traffic lights, cars, and outdoor lamps. This has been one of the earliest kinds of renewable energy and is now used by many households for their alternative source of electricity.
Benefits to Consumers
An average household can cut down its electricity consumption coming from energy suppliers. With several panels installed, a home can harness a third of its energy from solar power alone. That is considerable savings per year. Solar panels are also built and designed for lifetime use. That's a lifetime of savings for your household. In other countries, rebates or incentives are offered by the government for the use of solar panels. The unused power produced by the solar panels can also be distributed to other consumers. The extra energy can translate to rebates.
Aside from the savings one can derive from this source of power, many consumers also love the idea that their home and electricity consumption is environment-friendly. Green living becomes another important consideration for a growing number of consumers and homeowners nowadays.
The Downside of Solar Panels
The expensive cost of having solar panels is a huge drawback to such a positive response to an environmental cause. Not all consumers can afford these expensive equipments and the installation required for it. While others believe this is a luxury that only the well-off families can afford, some consider this like any other investment or property asset. Give or take a couple of years and you'll be able to enjoy the return of investment because of the savings and possible rebates derived from solar power. Your property can also significantly increase its value with built-in panels for lifetime use.
However, another disadvantage is the space required to build solar panels. Bigger homes have the advantage while homeowners of smaller homes with limited space might as well disregard the idea of installing panels. To get a considerable amount of energy, you would need multiple panels. A few ones would only harness a minimal amount, making the process inefficient. You would also have to consider other structures and environmental conditions. Any obstruction like a building or landscape can reduce the performance of your system. If your home is located in highly polluted areas, the capacity of the panels to harness energy and convert it to electricity is also downgraded.
If you are considering solar panels for you home, weigh in the advantages and disadvantages mentioned above. See if you will benefit more in the long run. Check your local suppliers, too, and get a quote. This will help you get a good grasp of how much it will take to have a solar-powered household.
Gene Armstrong is an energy expert based in Australia with over 8 years experience in the energy distribution industry. He specializes in energy efficiency and green energy for households and business. For a good source of green energy supply, you can also check out Origin Energy from Australia.

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