Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 1, 2013

Solar Panels for Electricity for the Home

First a little history about solar technology. The use of solar technology goes way back. The first known users were the Babylonians. They filled sun exposed containers with water and used it as baths. Solar panels have been made and developed for over 55 years now. The main thing they were used for was satellites and space missions. Since the early days the world have changed and the need for power is higher than ever. Solar panels for electricity for the home have, as a result, became very popular.
How does the solar units create energy? To say it really simple: the panels converts the sun to 6-24 volts DC. The solar panels are wired in series to get an output of 120 volts.
There are a lot of benefits with solar units for home use. Your house get a higher resale value. People are willing to pay more money for your house because of the amount of money they save on electricity bills. It's also a big hype to "go green" nowadays. Most people that have solar panels for electricity for the home save at least 75% in electricity expenses. Some people save up to 100%. You also eliminates the expenses of delivery charge and taxes.
During the summertime, when the panels produce electricity at their most, you actually store electricity for the wintertime. You don't store it in the words true sense, your meter is actually running backwards when you produce more electricity then you use, because you are sending it back to the grid. You get credits from your electricity company which you can use when your panels is producing less.
Build your own or get professionals to install? Either way is good and you will save huge amounts of money no matter what. It really depends on how much money you want to save. Solar panels for electricity for the home can cost you as much as $5000 to get installed from professionals. If you decide to build it yourself it will cost you as little as $200. If you average $200 a month in electricity bills it will take nearly 2.5 years to cover your expenses if professionals install it. If you build it yourself it will take a month.
Solar panels last from 10-25 years. Even after 25 years they can work at 80% of the original capacity. If your solar panel is operational in 25 years and your electricity bill average $200 a month, then you have $60,000 in savings. I would say that $60,000 is an "OK" retirement fund.
If you consider building your own solar panels for electricity for the home you have to do some research. What do you need to buy? What do you need to order? What to consider? Be sure to do it right the first time. There is a lot of money to save if you build it yourself, but do it the right way. It will save you a lot of anger later. There is some resources out there, invest a little time doing research.
You don't have to be a carpenter or an electrician to build solar panels for electricity for the home. Get the knowledge and get started.
If you are thinking about building your own solar panels and want to get the best tips on how to build it,then you must visit the world's best resource page for home built solar panels. Go to this site immediately:

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