Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2013

How PV Solar Panels Work

PV solar panels are types of solar panels that provide electricity by directly converting sunlight to electricity for consumption purposes. They are also referred to as photovoltaic panels with photo referring to light while the word voltaic refers to electricity. These panels are made of semiconductors which have the ability to absorb light. The PV solar panels work by getting energy from the sun and then converting the light into electricity. The electricity produced is then consumed while the excess power is fed in to the utility grid. The utility grid then takes on the responsibility of distributing the power to other consumers in the country.
The solar panels that are used in photovoltaic power generation have very many solar cells which contain photovoltaic materials. Some of the most common materials that can be used for photovoltaic include; cadmium telluride, polycrystalline silicon, monocrystalline silicon and amorphous silicon among may others.
The photovoltaic cells are made up of modules which have many cells in them. The PV panels also contain a protective layer at the top which is treated with silicon while the other layer is a polymer layer. The layers then undergo treatment so as to make them more relevant. In regards to this the top layer which contains silicon is treated so as to make it negatively charged while the back side is charged so that it becomes positive. Electricity is then produced by the panel through the top layer such that when the sun strikes the top layer, the electrons from the silicon are set loose and they move all the way to the top layer. Once the electrons have been picked, they are routed to through external circuits thus power is made available.
The fact that solar panels make use of the sun to produce electricity leaves many people wondering how they function at night or when there is no sun. When the sun is not available, the home can make use of electricity from the power, grid. This therefore makes it necessary to be connected to the national grid so that they don't remain in darkness when there is no power. PV solar panels are also capable of producing excess power. When the panels produce more power than that needed by the house, the owner will get credit. This credit will prove to be useful in future because it will help in lowering some of your costs at a time when the PV solar panels produce less electricity.
Generally the use of PV solar panels for the provision of electricity is very good as it plays a major role in relieving a person off the huge power bills that they would otherwise get. The use of solar panels for power generation also reduces the high demand for electricity that is currently experienced. This therefore means that the use of PV solar panels reduces the strain on the utility grid and also increases the amount of power in the grid thanks to the excess power that can be produced once in a while by users of solar energy.
John Denver author works with companies to promote their business.

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