Thứ Sáu, 25 tháng 1, 2013

How Does Solar Power Work - Different Applications of Solar Energy

To find out how does solar power work, we need to look at the application of solar energy. It can be used for a variety of purposes from space heating, space cooling, water heating and generating electricity. Using the power of the sun to generate electricity is currently the most popular domestically. Let's look at how does solar power work in these applications.
How does solar power work in terms of space heating, space cooling and water heating?
In these applications, solar collectors are used. These are flat boxes that are painted black on the inside with a non-reflective glass cover. There are pipes the line these boxes carrying liquid solutions that collects the heat that is absorbed by the boxes. In the case of space heating, the liquid is put through a radiator to warm up the air. For water heating applications, the liquid is channeled to heat up water tanks.
In order to achieve the effect of space cooling, the cooling effect of evaporation is employed. Solar concentrators are used in this case to bring water temperature to the extent that steam is generated. The steam is then put through a cooling system to cool the homes or a building.
How does solar power work to generate electricity?
Solar panels are used to generate electricity from sunlight. These panels contain silicon wafers that collect photons from the sun. The photons are later converted into DC electrical power. The DC current is then passed through an inverter which converts it to usable electricity, AC electrical power.
Thousands of people are harnessing the power of solar energy to power their homes. Most of them do this in order to eliminate their electrical bills. The energy is one that will not run out anytime soon and is free. The only cost comes from installing system itself. A commercial system costs a few thousand dollars. However, due to extensive research into the application of solar energy to generate electricity, you can now build your own system running on solar energy to power your homes with less than $200, using components found in local hardware store.
George Tho is a DIY enthusiast. Find out in details how does solar power work to generate electricity and start building your own electrical generator using solar energy here.
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