Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 1, 2013

Active Solar Energy - Home Solar Energy System

If we were living on a planet with intelligent live, we should mainly develop some forms of clean, renewable and non-polluting energy like active solar energy, magnetic motors, wind energy and other sources that nature offers to us for free. Especially, setting up a Home Solar Energy System in our hose would be most advisable for most of us.
If I say "if we were living on a planet with intelligent live", it's because a mankind that obstinately insists on using up all the limited resources of their home (namely the Earth), exhausting the existing live of the planet and destroying as many animal and vegetal species as possible by polluting earth, air and water, is questionably to be called intelligent.
There are, of course, other factors that could be mentioned when trying to explain and understand the behaviour of our modern civilisation. Taking a quick look at the way peoples and countries fling themselves to annihilate or destroy other peoples or countries (war is the name) may be enough to realise that we are totally (or almost totally) on the wrong way...
If we apply this comprehension to the fact that we are exhausting the oil of our lovely planet (which is an important part of the planet's life in a similar way as the blood is to our body) to do more harm on its surface - polluting soil, atmosphere, rivers, lakes and seas, and making life more and more difficult for animals and plants -, we could come to the conclusion that the developing and use of clean energy sources in our practical life is not only a very convenient factor but also an essential item for humanity.
I want to speak about two of the best ways to introduce a clean, renewable energy source to power our homes and so contribute to the welfare of ourselves and therein of all human beings and all living creatures on Earth: the Active Solar Energy. Having a Home Solar Energy System is, without any doubt, a way to help oneself, our planet Earth and humanity by using a tiny little part of the energy our Sun gives us freely, and the cost of setting up such a system is not as expensive as some would make us believe, specially when we talk about thermal systems to get hot water or heating systems.
The second way we should bear in mind is a magnet-based generator that produces free, clean and renewable energy to provide our homes with the power they need. This is a very valuable alternative since the photovoltaic solar panels that could do the same function are quite expensive (you guess why?) whereas the magnetic generator can be built for much less money. So combining both systems - the home solar energy system and the magnetic generator - would be the ideal solution to power our homes with clean and renewable energy. However, and depending on our budget, we can start either with the active solar system or the magnetic generator and then improving or expanding our alternative energy systems as our financial possibilities permit. This would be an intelligent solution and both our planet Earth and Humanity will be grateful to us.
You may be willing to visit Jorge's site in order to know more about practical ways to build one's own Active Solar System.
Alternatively you can be interested in building a Magnetic Generator to power your home.

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